Medico Legal

Simon Moyes is an Orthopaedic Surgeon with 20 years of experience in preparing reports for injury-related legal claims Based in Central London. Simon Moyes produces around 400 reports a year for personal injury claims – including motor and industrial injuries, repetitive strain injuries, fitness to work and pension appeals. While Simon Moyes continues to consult as a surgeon on a full-time basis, there is a short turnaround time for producing reports.  Medico-legal reports are typically completed and sent within 14 days of seeing the client.  All reports are well-written and extremely clearly presented.

Simon also has two decades of experience in appearing as an expert witness in Court.

Medico-Legal Experience

Simon Moyes has over 20 years of medico-legal experience. He has extensive Court experience. Mr Moyes’ reports have a fast turnaround time, reports are usually prepared within 14 days of seeing the patient.

Reports are always clearly written and well presented, receiving positive feedback from both patients and lawyers.

The split between the claimant and defendant is 60/40.

Prices and Contact

My Moyes’s hourly rate for medico-legal consultations is £600.00 per hour and the cost of preparing an initial Medical Report, which includes reading, research and dictation, starts at £550.00.

There will be a fee of £150.00 charged for a non-attendance, late arrival or an appointment cancelled with less than twenty-four hours’ notice. Where a meeting is scheduled which is then subsequently cancelled the following rules apply:

At least 72hrs notice there will be no charge
48hrs notice then 50% of the fee shall apply
Less than 24hrs notice then 100% of the fee shall apply
No notice then 100% of the fee shall apply

Charges for court attendance are £600.00 per hour. In the event of a court appearance being required, this must be notified in writing before confirmation of availability. Once booked, should this be cancelled, the following charges will apply:

Within 6 weeks – 25% of the fee
Within 4 weeks – 50% of the fee
Within 2 weeks – 100% of the fee

For further information, please contact Simon Moyes’ medico-legal secretary on 020 7183 2564.

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