Dr Colin Hamilton-Davies
Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care

Dr Hamilton-Davies is a consultant in anaesthesia and critical care and has been working alongside Simon Moyes for more than fifteen years. His special interests are in Cardiac, Orthopaedics, gynaecology, and regional anaesthesia. He trained at The Middlesex Hospital from 1980-85, he was in the Military from 1986-93 returning to The Middlesex 1993-94. His career took him around many of the top London hospitals namely, The Royal Brompton 1994-95, Charing Cross 1995-96, Harefield Hospital 1996-97and The Royal Brompton 1997-98. He became a Consultant at UCLH 1998-2001, at The Heart Hospital 2001-2014 where he was Lead for Cardiac ITU. He is currently Consultant & Lead of Cardiac ITU at Barts Heart Centre. He has undertaken many research projects and had articles published and has presented many lectures including MD published 1998 Relationship of perioperative immune status and outcome following cardiac surgery.
Colin is a very fit and active enjoying outdoor sports especially cycling, running and skiing. He often undertakes charity adventures throughout the UK and Europe. Colin also enjoyed his time in the Military and Airbourne Forces and passed his parachute selection in 1998.