Mr Jonathan Ward
Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon

Jonathan Ward is a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon that has particular interests in complex reconstruction around the pelvis, hip and knee and lower limb fragility fractures. After completion of his specialist orthopaedic training in 2017, Jonathan trained as a fellow at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham working with pioneering experts focusing on hip and knee joint reconstruction prior to completing a year as the Pelvic & Acetabular Trauma and Complex Arthroplasty Fellow at the Royal London Hospital. This sub-speciality training has enhanced his ability to deal with the crossover between joint reconstruction for arthritis and trauma, and the challenges relating to fractures around previous implants.
Mr Ward’s professional practice is based on hip and knee arthroplasty and the identification and management of problems affecting the hip or knee. He specialises in complex or challenging hip and knee replacement surgery, with the majority of this work for revision hip surgery where hip replacements have developed problems. Mr Ward was appointed as a Consultant at Barts Health NHS Trust in 2019, where he is currently the arthroplasty (joint replacement) lead clinician.
Mr Ward graduated from Imperial College London in 2006 and trained on the prestigious Birmingham Orthopaedic Training Programme based at the specialist Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. He has a keen interest in education and training and is involved in the supervision and training of junior surgeons. He is a regular faculty member with Orthopaedic Research UK and the QMUL Trauma Sciences programme. He has more than 10 years’ experience conducting clinical research and his research endeavours have centred primarily around hip reconstruction and the management of fractures around the hip socket and pelvis.
Jonathan was born and raised in London where he continues to live with his young family. He is a keen rugby and motorsports fan, and can often be seen in Richmond Park being taken for a walk by his two large dogs!